Flutter vs React Native

May 12, 2022

Flutter vs React Native: Battle of the frameworks

Mobile app development has evolved over the years with the introduction of various frameworks for developing native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. With names like Flutter and React Native dominating the market, it can be challenging for developers to choose the right mobile application development framework.

So, we've put together this comparison to help you make an informed choice. Here's a detailed comparison of Flutter vs React Native in terms of development, performance, community support, and more.

Development Experience

A good developer experience is everything, and both Flutter and React Native take different approaches in their development experience.

Flutter's development experience is based on its unique "write once, run everywhere" architecture. This means developers use the Dart programming language, which compiles into a native codebase for both Android and iOS platforms. Additionally, Flutter provides tools such as hot reload to instantly see the changes made in code, and Flutter inspector for debugging.

On the other hand, React Native provides a more traditional development experience, with JavaScript programming and Native Modules. However, React Native supports hot reloading, which allows for quick changes to be viewed instantly.

Both frameworks have a shallow learning curve, but Flutter's widget-based approach can be challenging for some developers.

Winner: Tie


Performance is a critical aspect of mobile applications. Here's how the two frameworks compare in terms of performance.

Flutter is known for its superior performance thanks to its Dart virtual machine and its compiled native-based code. Flutter's hot reloading feature also speeds up development by allowing quick feedback loops in real-time. In contrast, React Native's codebase transpiles into the native platform's JavaScript engine, causing reduced performance and longer development cycles.

In a recent study, Flutter outperformed React Native by running 20% faster on a simulation test suite.

Winner: Flutter

Community Support

In the tech industry, having a strong community for support means developers can collaborate with other developers, learn better coding practices and find solutions to complex problems.

React Native was developed by Facebook and has a massive community of active and engaged developers. It has one of the largest developer communities, with more than 2 million developers.

Flutter, developed by Google, also has a rapidly growing developer community, with over 600k developers on record. Flutter's rapidly-growing and passionate community is one of the reasons for its increasing popularity.

While both communities are extensive, React Native's larger developer community and more refined third-party support is a crucial advantage.

Winner: React Native

Cross-Platform Support

Cross-platform development is an essential aspect of mobile app development, and we looked at how the two frameworks support this.

Flutter has a "write once, run anywhere" architecture that allows developers to create platform-agnostic applications with ease. Flutter's widget-based architecture allows developers to reuse codebase, resulting in faster development time.

In contrast, React Native's development approach relies on Native Modules for building native-specific features. While it supports cross-platform development, the process is more time-consuming and challenging than Flutter.

Winner: Flutter


Documentation is necessary for developers to get started on any new project or framework.

React Native has exceptional documentation with an extensive library of resources, including guides, tutorials, and more. It's also backed by Facebook, which has helped to make it one of the most widely-adopted development platforms.

Flutter's documentation is also extensive with nicely organized text and examples, but it's not as comprehensive as React Native's.

Winner: React Native


So, which framework wins the Flutter vs React Native showdown?

Flutter and React Native have their strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately depends on your development requirements. Flutter takes the crown for performance, cross-platform support, and development experience. However, React Native's vast community support, third-party library support, and better documentation are essential advantages.

No matter which framework you choose, you can be confident that both Flutter and React Native is a reliable tool for developing native applications.


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